Traveling alone requires due care and caution, especially for women. If you are a woman and planning a solo trip, make certain arrangements to make your trip safe and secure in any given circumstances.
Hotels are normally safe but being a solo women traveler, you need to be attentive for making your stay safe and pleasant one. Following are the extra precautions that you should take while staying at a hotel.
Do your Homework
Prior to visiting a tourist attraction, make sure to know about the common crimes in the area. Book a hotel in an area, which is relatively secure and guarded. Create a safety checklist by taking into account the situation of your destination.
Book a Hotel by keeping in Mind the Safety Measures
This is the most recommended preventive measure, which minimizes the chances of any unpleasant incident. Make sure the hotel that you are booking fulfills standard safety requirements.
Avoid Staying on the Ground Floor

This is so, as the ground floor is vulnerable to the access of strangers and intruders. While booking a room a few floors up, you can minimize the risk of getting bothered by the unwanted visitors.
Keep your Luggage close to You all the Time
At the time of checking in or out, make sure to keep your luggage close to you. When talking to the receptionist, don’t get distracted. If the luggage is not too big, place it on the front desk. For big stuff, you can place it on the floor, in front of your legs.
Keep the Door locked
You should make it a habit to lock the room when you enter or leave. Although it seems quite a boredom, it is critical for your safety. Moreover, if you haven’t called for room service and a hotel employee knocks at the door, call the front desk to confirm and verify. Even though keep the security chain intact while opening the door.
Check the Phone
When you enter the room for the first time, make sure to check for the phone. If it’s not working, submit a complaint at the reception.
Try to Avoid Solitary Situations

Solitary situations make you vulnerable to a wide range of criminal activities. Therefore, avoid spending excessive time in insecure environments. For instance, if you are waiting for a taxi, don’t leave the hotel and stay in the lobby until the ride arrives.
Room Inspection is Critical
When you enter the room, inspect the door and window locks. Make sure every lock is working properly. Contact the hotel management if you find anything suspicious in the room. When leavening the room, check for any of the stuff that you can’t leave in the room.
Use Don’t Disturb Tag when Outside the Room
This is a simple yet effective trick to avoid anyone entering your room in your absence. By placing a ‘Don’t Disturb’ tag at your door when leaving the room; you can save your luggage from stealing.
Leave your Valuables at the Front Desk

Don’t leave your highly expensive items or cash in the room. On the contrary, you must handover these valuables to the person at the reception. In addition, get a receipt for anything that you have left with the front desk.